
“Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into.” ~Henry Beecher

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Spread the Light

It’s the holiday season. This is a time when many households show their creativity and enthusiasm by decorating, both inside and outside their homes. Years ago, outdoor decorations were mostly limited to simple strings of lights and Christmas wreaths hanging on the front doors; however, these days, the lights and displays have become much more elaborate, beautiful and inventive. There’s something about lights that lift my spirits. Maybe it’s because they generate an extreme yet comforting contrast against the backdrop of the night. They brilliantly illuminate the darkness and at the same time create a pleasurable feast for the eyes. As I was driving through town the other night, I took my time to enjoy a number of decorated yards, often stopping to look.

To me, these displays represent warm and inviting welcome mats. They say to me, we have so much joy and happiness on the inside, that we’d like to share it; and we hope, in some way, we touch your heart. If we could all find ways to shine our lights throughout the year, to say welcome to our neighbors and to spread warmth and peace, we would create a holiday atmosphere that never ended. So think about what it is that illuminates you and bring it out for everyone to see. The World will be a much happier and brighter place if you do. Happy Holidays!

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